The mosaic house is a farm house dating back to the late 1800's. Situated in 20 acres of land this building has stood empty since it was severely fire damaged in an arson attack in 2009.
Many of the previous occupants possessions remain in and around the building, including dismembered dolls that are dotted around the property and furniture. I think the ruined photo album is quite a poignant reminder of the lost memories and keepsakes destroyed by the fire and the subsequent water damage from putting it out. Thankfully no one was injured.
Sadly, the building has fallen prey to undesirables who have caused more damage since the fire. Graffiti daubed walls and litter inside the house is looking very sorry for itself. Where there was once a grand home now stands a derelict wreck, and in today's economic climate I don't see it being fixed up any time soon. Hopefully it won't meet its doom and flats built in its place.
On with the pictures...