Disclaimer And Information


Exploring locations without permission is TRESPASS and potential DANGEROUS. I accept no responsibility for any person/persons who attempt to enter any of the locations featured in this blog, do so at your own risk. All information contained within this section is for reference purposes only, it is up to the individual to confirm any statements herein.


Many old buildings contain hazardous materials, not limited to ASBESTOS and/or LEAD PAINT. There is also likely to be trip hazards, sharps (such as used syringes), fall hazards, loose or unstable masonry, collapsed floors and risk of falling debris.There is also a risk of contracting respiratory diseases in buildings that birds are roosting in or have mould and fungus growing in them.

If you are going into derelict buildings it is advisable to take precautionary measures to protect yourself. A good quality torch and spare batteries is an essential piece of kit, as is a dust mask/respirator that is rated for asbestos (P3). It is worth remembering that this is not going to stop contamination of your clothes etc so exposure is still possible AFTER you remove the mask.

I would also recommend safety boots that have a steel mid sole, there may be of pieces of wood with rusty nails sticking out of them on the floor. I would at this point advise making sure your tetanus shots are up to date. It is good practice to carry a small first aid kit. Remember, anything you touch or handle is going to be filthy so be aware you don’t want to be putting things like torches near or in your mouth.

Above all, be safe. It is advisable to go with someone rather than on your own, that way should something happen they will know exactly where you are in the event of you being injured and more importantly how to get to you. Assess your surroundings and the risks they may contain – floors that look solid may be completely rotten!

Carrying anything that could be used to gain access to a secured property is likely to turn a simple matter of trespass into the far more serious offence of attempted burglary or at a minimum going equipped. It may be something as simple as a small screwdriver or multitool on your keyring, so be aware of this.

Busted! Getting escorted from site by security. (Pic courtesy of UE-OMJ)
I am not going to go into details about accessing sites or security, nor will I answer any questions regarding these matters SO DON’T ASK!

I will however say this – If you make the decision to enter a site without permission and get caught be polite to security/the police, remember, they are doing their job and to all intents and purposes you are an intruder. If asked to leave do so via the nearest exit and do not return. Do not be confrontational or make ‘smart’ comments, this will only make your situation worse. Running from security is a bad idea, for one it makes you instantly look guilty of something far worse than taking pictures and the risk of hurting yourself is hugely increased.

Taking things from any site is theft, you are not rescuing it or saving it, you are stealing it, plain and simple.
Apart from being unethical it is a criminal offence – do you want a criminal record?

Take only photographs, leave only footprints.